Thursday, March 2, 2023

Hobby for the Retired

I asked ChatGPT what it thinks about photography as a hobbit for the retired.  I like its response.  I'm thinking to give my D7000 to my dad who owns a old SLR.  This might be a good thing to pick up again.

Anyways, ChatGPT answered it this way:

Photography can be an excellent hobby for retired individuals. Here are some reasons why:
  1. Creative Outlet: Photography provides a creative outlet for individuals, allowing them to express their creativity and capture beautiful images.
  2. Physical Activity: Photography can also be a physically active hobby. Retirees can explore new places and take photos while walking or hiking, which can help improve their health and wellbeing.
  3. Learning Opportunities: Photography also offers learning opportunities, such as mastering new camera techniques and editing software.
  4. Social Engagement: Photography can also be a social activity, allowing retirees to connect with other photographers and share their work with others.
  5. Relaxation: Photography can be a relaxing and meditative hobby, allowing retirees to focus on the beauty of their surroundings and reduce stress.
Overall, photography is a great hobby for retirees as it provides a combination of creative expression, physical activity, learning opportunities, social engagement, and relaxation.

Some retirees tend to be more senile.  I think a hobby that gets you out and that make you think is very healthy for your physical and mental states.  There is nothing worse than lying down and watching TV or doing nothing the whole day for years on end.

When I retire, I want to travel more with my DSLR.  It'll be time for building more adventures that I find hard to find time for now.  That's for sure.

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Invasion of What?

What are these bugs? I've never seen them before. I saw them at my parents' place the other day. Lots of them in soil or grassy areas.