Sunday, September 20, 2015

Transferring photos from Flickr to PicasaWeb

I haven't had to transfer photos from my Flickr account to a PicasaWeb account in a while.  This morning, I found out the script no longer works.  I was getting this error when the script attempts to authenticate with PicasaWeb:  "Modification only allowed with api authentication".  Apparently, Google had dropped support for the older authentication method and opted to use OAuth2 instead.  I had to dig around the web for some readily available code to cobble together a solution.

My solution was derived from the following two sources:
Make sure you read the first.

Well, here it is in its entirety:

#! /usr/bin/python
# requires flickrapi, gdata, and oauth2client
# It's a little ugly, but it is heavily tested and works!
# Sources:

import flickrapi, StringIO
import gdata
from getpass import getpass
from urllib import urlretrieve
from tempfile import mkstemp
from threadpool import ThreadPool, WorkRequest
import os
import sys, os.path, StringIO
import time
import gdata.service
import gdata
import atom.service
import atom
import getopt
import webbrowser
import httplib2
args_opts, album_title_to_move = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1], '')
print "Will copy " + album_title_to_move + "..."
from shutil import copyfile

from datetime import datetime, timedelta

from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
from oauth2client.file import Storage


video_too_large_save_location = os.path.join(os.path.sep.join(__file__.split(os.path.sep)[:-1]), 'picasa_videos')

if not os.path.exists(video_too_large_save_location):

class VideoEntry(
    pass = VideoEntry

def InsertVideo(self, album_or_uri, video, filename_or_handle, content_type='image/jpeg'):
    """Copy of InsertPhoto which removes protections since it *should* work"""
        assert(isinstance(video, VideoEntry))
    except AssertionError:
        raise GooglePhotosException({'status':GPHOTOS_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
            'body':'`video` must be a instance',
            'reason':'Found %s, not PhotoEntry' % type(video)
        majtype, mintype = content_type.split('/')
        #assert(mintype in SUPPORTED_UPLOAD_TYPES)
    except (ValueError, AssertionError):
        raise GooglePhotosException({'status':GPHOTOS_INVALID_CONTENT_TYPE,
            'body':'This is not a valid content type: %s' % content_type,
            'reason':'Accepted content types:'
    if isinstance(filename_or_handle, (str, unicode)) and \
        os.path.exists(filename_or_handle): # it's a file name
        mediasource = gdata.MediaSource()
        mediasource.setFile(filename_or_handle, content_type)
    elif hasattr(filename_or_handle, 'read'):# it's a file-like resource
        if hasattr(filename_or_handle, 'seek'):
   # rewind pointer to the start of the file
        # gdata.MediaSource needs the content length, so read the whole image 
        file_handle = StringIO.StringIO( 
        name = 'image'
        if hasattr(filename_or_handle, 'name'):
            name =
        mediasource = gdata.MediaSource(file_handle, content_type,
            content_length=file_handle.len, file_name=name)
    else: #filename_or_handle is not valid
        raise GooglePhotosException({'status':GPHOTOS_INVALID_ARGUMENT,
            'body':'`filename_or_handle` must be a path name or a file-like object',
            'reason':'Found %s, not path name or object with a .read() method' % \

    if isinstance(album_or_uri, (str, unicode)): # it's a uri
        feed_uri = album_or_uri
    elif hasattr(album_or_uri, 'GetFeedLink'): # it's a AlbumFeed object
        feed_uri = album_or_uri.GetFeedLink().href

        return self.Post(video, uri=feed_uri, media_source=mediasource,
    except gdata.service.RequestError, e:
        raise GooglePhotosException(e.args[0]) = InsertVideo

def clear_input_retriever(setting):
    return raw_input( + ":")

def passwd_input_retriever(setting):
    return getpass( + ':')

class Setting(object):
    def __init__(self, name, default=None, input_retriever=clear_input_retriever, empty_value=None): = name
        self._value = default
        self.input_retriever = input_retriever
        self.empty_value = empty_value
    def value(self):
        while self._value == self.empty_value:
            self._value = self.input_retriever(self)
        return self._value

picasa_username = Setting('Picasa Username(complete email)')
picasa_username._value = ""
picasa_password = Setting('Picasa Password', input_retriever=passwd_input_retriever)
picasa_password._value = ""
picasa_oauth_client_secrets_filename = Setting('Picasa OAuth Client Secrets')
picasa_oauth_client_secrets_filename._value = 'migrate-flickr-to-picasa.secrets'

flickr_api_key = Setting('Flickr API Key')
flickr_api_key._value = ""
flickr_api_secret = Setting('Flickr API Secret')
flickr_api_secret._value = ""

flickr_usernsid = None

def flickr_token_retriever(setting):
    global FLICKR
    global flickr_usernsid
    if FLICKR is None:
        FLICKR = flickrapi.FlickrAPI(flickr_api_key.value, flickr_api_secret.value)
    (token, frob) = FLICKR.get_token_part_one(perms='write')
    if not token: raw_input("Press ENTER after you authorized this program")
    FLICKR.get_token_part_two((token, frob))
    flickr_usernsid = FLICKR.auth_checkToken(auth_token=token).find('auth').find('user').get('nsid')
    return True

def get_gd_client():

    gd_client = = picasa_username.value
    gd_client.password = picasa_password.value
    gd_client.source = ''

    return gd_client

# Source:
def OAuth2Login(client_secrets, credential_store, email):

    storage = Storage(credential_store)
    credentials = storage.get()
    if credentials is None or credentials.invalid:
        flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(client_secrets, scope=scope, redirect_uri='urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob')
        uri = flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
        code = raw_input('Enter the authentication code: ').strip()
        credentials = flow.step2_exchange(code)

    if (credentials.token_expiry - datetime.utcnow()) < timedelta(minutes=5):
        http = httplib2.Http()
        http = credentials.authorize(http)

    gd_client =,
                                               additional_headers={'Authorization' : 'Bearer %s' % credentials.access_token})

    return gd_client

def do_migration(threadpoolsize=7):

    print 'Authenticating with Picasa...'
    #gd_client = get_gd_client()
    gd_client = OAuth2Login(picasa_oauth_client_secrets_filename.value, '', picasa_username.value)

    print 'Authenticating with Flickr..'
    flickr_token = Setting('Flickr Token', input_retriever=flickr_token_retriever)
    token = flickr_token.value # force retrieval of authentication information...

    tmp_sets = FLICKR.photosets_getList().find('photosets').getchildren()
    sets = []
    for aset_id in range(len(tmp_sets)): # go through each flickr set
        aset = tmp_sets[aset_id]
        set_title = aset.find('title').text
        # Transfer only this one photo set ...
 if set_title == album_title_to_move:
            sets = [ aset ]

    print 'Found %i sets to move over to Picasa.' % len(sets)

    def get_picasa_albums(id, aset, num_photos):
        all_picasa_albums = gd_client.GetUserFeed(user=picasa_username.value).entry
        picasa_albums = []
        id = id.strip()
        orig_id = id
        for i in range((num_photos/1000) + 1):
            if i > 0:
                id = orig_id + '-' + str(i)
            picasa_album = None
            for album in all_picasa_albums:
                if album.title.text == id:
                    picasa_album = album
            if picasa_album is not None:
                print '"%s" set already exists as an album in Picasa.' % id
                picasa_album = gd_client.InsertAlbum(title=id, summary=aset.find('description').text, access='protected')
                print 'Created picasa album "%s".' % picasa_album.title.text
        return picasa_albums

    def get_picasa_photos(picasa_albums):
        photos = []
        for album in picasa_albums:
        return photos

    def get_photo_url(photo):
        if photo.get('media') == 'video':
            return "" % (flickr_usernsid, photo.get('id'), photo.get('originalsecret'))
            return photo.get('url_o')

    def move_photo(flickr_photo, picasa_album):
        def download_callback(count, blocksize, totalsize):
            download_stat_print = set((0.0, .25, .5, 1.0))
            downloaded = float(count*blocksize)
            res = int((downloaded/totalsize)*100.0)
            for st in download_stat_print:
                dl = totalsize*st
                diff = downloaded - dl
                if diff >= -(blocksize/2) and diff <= (blocksize/2):
                    downloaded_so_far = float(count*blocksize)/1024.0/1024.0
                    total_size_in_mb = float(totalsize)/1024.0/1024.0
                    print "photo: %s, album: %s --- %i%% - %.1f/%.1fmb" % (flickr_photo.get('title'), picasa_album.title.text, res, downloaded_so_far, total_size_in_mb)

        dest = os.path.join(video_too_large_save_location, flickr_photo.get('title'))
        if os.path.exists(dest):
            print 'Video "%s" of "%s" already exists in download cache of files over 100MB. Aborting download.' % (flickr_photo.get('title'), picasa_album.title.text)
        photo_url = get_photo_url(flickr_photo)
        print 'Downloading photo "%s" at url "%s".' % (flickr_photo.get('title'), photo_url)
        (fd, filename) = tmp_file = mkstemp()
        (filename, headers) = urlretrieve(photo_url, filename, download_callback)
        print 'Download Finished of %s for album %s at %s.' % (flickr_photo.get('title'), picasa_album.title.text, photo_url)
        size = os.stat(filename)[6]
        if size >= 100*1024*1024:
            print 'File "%s" of set "%s" larger than 100mb. Moving to download directory for manual handling. ' % (flickr_photo.get('title'), picasa_album.title.text)
            copyfile(filename, dest)
        print 'Uploading photo %s of album %s to Picasa.' % (flickr_photo.get('title'), picasa_album.title.text)

        if flickr_photo.get('media') == 'photo':
            picasa_photo =
            picasa_photo = VideoEntry()

        picasa_photo.title = atom.Title(text=flickr_photo.get('title'))
        picasa_photo.summary = atom.Summary(text=flickr_photo.get('description'), summary_type='text')
        photo_info = FLICKR.photos_getInfo(photo_id=flickr_photo.get('id')).find('photo') = = ', '.join([t.get('raw') for t in photo_info.find('tags').getchildren()])
        picasa_photo.summary.text = photo_info.find('description').text
        if flickr_photo.get('media') == 'photo':
            gd_client.InsertPhoto(picasa_album, picasa_photo, filename, content_type=headers.get('content-type', 'image/jpeg'))
            gd_client.InsertVideo(picasa_album, picasa_photo, filename, content_type=headers.get('content-type', 'video/avi'))

        print 'Upload Finished of %s for album %s.' % (flickr_photo.get('title'), picasa_album.title.text)


    threadpool = ThreadPool(threadpoolsize)

    for aset_id in range(len(sets)): # go through each flickr set
        aset = sets[aset_id]
        set_title = aset.find('title').text
        print 'Moving "%s" set over to a picasa album. %i/%i' % (set_title, aset_id + 1, len(sets))

        print 'Gathering set "%s" information.' % set_title
        num_photos = int(aset.get('photos')) + int(aset.get('videos'))
        all_photos = []
        page = 1
        while len(all_photos) < num_photos:
            page += 1

        print 'Found %i photos and videos in the %s flickr set.' % (num_photos, set_title)
        picasa_albums = get_picasa_albums(set_title, aset, len(all_photos))
        picasa_photos = get_picasa_photos(picasa_albums)
        for photo_id in range(len(all_photos)):
            photo = all_photos[photo_id]
            photo_found = False
            for p_photo in picasa_photos:
                if p_photo.title.text == photo.get('title'):
                    print 'Already have photo "%s", skipping' % photo.get('title')
                    photo_found = True

            if photo_found:
                print 'Queuing photo %i/%i, %s of album %s for moving.' % (photo_id + 1, len(all_photos), photo.get('title'), set_title)

            p_album = None
            for album in picasa_albums:
                if int(album.numphotosremaining.text) > 0:
                    album.numphotosremaining.text = str(int(album.numphotosremaining.text) - 1)
                    p_album = album
            req = WorkRequest(move_photo, [photo, p_album], {})
if __name__ == "__main__":
    print """
    This script will move all the photos and sets from flickr over to picasa. 
    That will require getting authentication information from both services...

I hope this will save someone else a bit of grief.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Me and rain

There is something about me and the rain.  I love it.  There is a feeling of childhood fun when you go biking in the rain, knowing that when you get home, you'll be able to just wash away all the dirt splashed all over you.  There is something else about it that makes it fun for photography.  I don't know what it is but I tend to go into a shooting frenzy head on in the craziest downpour.  I'd be out there with my D7000 and getting my lens all wet to the point I can't shoot anymore--either because of condensation in the lens or the D7000 starts to behave erratically.  Yeah, I'm crazy with rain.  So today was no exception.  The PanAm game will start in less than a couple of months and the torch has arrived in Toronto.  Unfortunately, today was also the first day of heavy downpour.  The month of May has been so dry that this downpour is a big welcome I think for farmers in the area.  And for me.  It was fun standing in the rain with my motorcycle rain jacket.  It protected me from the rain and the wind.  I got wet anyway but the jacket kept me warm as I rode my bicycle down the streets, following the torch bearers.  It was also fun to use my cell phone to take pictures.  I had a thought that maybe I'd ruin it if I persist shooting it in the rain.  It was clearly drenched in water all over it but I kept shooting.  Stupid me.  I will never learn.  I kept shooting knowing full well the phone will die.  Well, it didn't die but it was starting to behave erratically too and the camera lens inside the phone stared to fog up.  Great, I thought.  Another Nova Scotia.  It managed to clear itself up, but I kept shooting in the rain.  I should have stopped using it and wait for the big moment to take the phone out.  I should have.  I should have done that.  It was a big mistake to chance it.  The biggest moment came when Chris Hadfield arrived at the Distillery District on the last leg of the torch run from Canada Square to the Distillery District.  The video was fuzzy with a damn layer of fog in front of the lens!  What an idiot I was.  Oh well, me and rain, it's a love and hate relationship.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Tripod or not on trips

To recap, I have two tripods:  a Manfrotto MKC3-P01and an OPUS OT-1104BH.  I love both.  They are not the best and you know you are compromising when the price is affordable.  You know what I mean--you make an adjustment, you let go, and the camera tilts down a bit.  It's a bit annoying but you learn to compensate for it.  Anyhow, these tripods have gone to faraway places with me, but often, they stay in my backpack.

On a recent trip to New York City, I decided not to bring a tripod.  I knew I'd spend most of the time walking around during the day but given that days end about 4:30pm at the time, I also knew I'd spent quite a bit of time walking in the dark.  It would make sense to bring a tripod.  I decided against it however.  First, I was doing a lot of walking.  Any weight I could save meant a world to me toward the end of the day.  I decided instead to rely on the camera's ability to work with high ISO settings, and to work with existing street structures to prop against or rest on, and whatever else I could use.

Many photos turned out a fuzzy but some turned out not too bad.  I had to do some sharpening for night shots:

Invasion of What?

What are these bugs? I've never seen them before. I saw them at my parents' place the other day. Lots of them in soil or grassy areas.