Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Do people still use DSLRs?

I've been perplexed in some ways recently about something.  Is there a current shift away from DSLR into phone cameras?  We know how easy it is now to pull out a phone from your pocket and capture that moment appearing in front of you.  You do that often enough, and you will build more and more reliance on your phone for everything you do everyday:  web surfing to read this article, phone calls with your friends and family, playing games all day long, and taking the occasional pictures.  Sure, it may not be as good as a modern DSLR but heck some phones are darn good these days, and the best camera is the one you have with you!

Despite the convenience of the phone, I still prefer to carry my DSLR when I'm on a hike or when I travel somewhere.  The speed of the DSLR, the ability to quickly zoom in and out with a real optical lens (vs. digital zooming), and my familiarity with my DSLR are reasons why I like to carry 2 kg of hardware with me.  I have to admit however that once, I was hiking up Grouse Grind in Vancouver, I was carrying a D300 with the 18-200mm and you can imagine how heavy it felt after half-way up the mountain!  Well, I wasn't in too good of a shape back then in around 2013 I believe.

More and more though, I find it harder to sell an older DSLR.  A Nikon D7000 is still a very capable camera.  My copy is 13 years old now but is still churning out great photos and it's highly dependable.  How do you convince someone that they should get a DSLR?  A phone camera is all most people need these days.  At parties, I see people whipping out their phones.  I don't see people branding their DSLRs anymore.  So, a D7000 is having a hard time sitting on the shelf not getting picked up, unless I guess it's free for the taking.  A used D7000 these days should still bring you $300, but even at that price, I see ads lingering on Kijiji for weeks on end.  What's going on, I'm thinking?  Have consumers really abandoned the DSLRs and are the DSLRs now only of the professional photographers' domain?  I'll have a firm answer in a month or so when I'll see how many of the same D7000 ads still remain on Kijiji.

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Invasion of What?

What are these bugs? I've never seen them before. I saw them at my parents' place the other day. Lots of them in soil or grassy areas.