Tuesday, March 13, 2012

105mm macro

It's rare that I see a bug in my house in the middle of winter but every now and then, a tiny, bitsy household spider will creep up out from the dark hideout it lives in.  This one spider was crawling in my bathroom the other day.  I was about to leave for work but had to take a few minutes to make use of my 105mm f/2.8 AFD lens.  I was lucky enough it was already mounted on my D90.

Here, I shot it at f/32, ISO1600, with bounce flash.


  1. Did you kill it after the shot? :-)

  2. Nah, I was too nice that day to kill it. :) With its legs stretched, I think it was about 15mm long. I used f/32 for the shot at about 15cm distance from the spider and the depth of field was very shallow. This had made shooting macro outdoors very difficult.


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