This darn problem has come back to bite me in the arse more than a couple of times now. It happened yesterday. I was shooting with my D7000 and SB900, in auto aperture mode when by accident I knocked the dial off position to manual mode. Because some time passed before I shot again in a darker area, I originally thought it was because of lighting. I was shooting slower than usually. I thought that was odd though, so after a handful of shots, I checked all my settings. True enough, this darn dial did bite me in the arse yet once more.
Again, I wished Nikon built the dial like the Canon--I'd send my camera in for a dial replacement any day. (See: Photon Farmers: D7000 mode dial)
Addendum: After writing this blog, I found a solution that someone implemented using heat shrink tubing. I do not have such tubing nor do I have gaffer tape that some other people suggested, so I will bear with the annoyance for now. Here is the link for anyone interested in a DIY solution:
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I bought some heat-shrinkable tubing a long while ago from Monoprice. I thought I would use them to help organize the various cables in the house, but never got around to it. Don't know if it will fit, but you are welcome to have a look. Just let me know when you want to drop by.
ReplyDeleteCool. Is the tube "just slightly larger than 3/4" in diameter"? Thanks.