I received the package in the post yesterday morning. It might have arrived the day before actually. In any case, I had a chance to unpack and test it out last night.
My first impression after seeing the transmitter and receivers was, el cheapo, price-wise and construction-wise. They were all plasticky and cheap to the look and feel. Everything is plastic. The base of the receivers is all plastic and feels flimsy. I wonder if I should place a $500 speedlight on it. Well, I guess it would not break that easily and the speedlight is not all that heavy. Nevertheless, it does not give much comfort knowing how flimsy it is.
The receivers require two AAA batteries to operate. Rechargeable batteries work well. I used to have many rechargeable AAA batteries. Now, I don't know where they all went. The transmitter came with a battery. I have not opened the transmitter yet to see the battery but I bet it will be fun trying to find one.
Does it work? Oh yeah, just set the flash guns on manual mode and you are all set to go. There are no TTLs of any kind, just pure manual. The receivers have just one middle contact. It's either fire or not. Really, you should have a hand-held light meter to figure out all the flash output strengths. I wonder if I'd be better off getting a fluorescent light that stays on all the time so you could meter the light with the camera.